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Hendersonville Underage DWI Lawyer

Hendersonville Underage DWI Attorney

If you are driving while drunk or under the influence of any sort of mind-altering substance, you risk hurting yourself and others, along with getting a DWI charge. If you are under the legal drinking age of 21 and you drive with any alcohol in your system, you can anticipate harsh punishments that can change the course of your future. If you are looking at an underage DWI charge in Hendersonville, NC, you need to reach out to a Hendersonville underage DWI lawyer as soon as you can.

At Edwards Law, PLLC, we know how stressful it can be to face an underage DWI charge. Life happens, and it is easy for young people to make mistakes. Regardless of what happened when you were on the road, we can review your situation and craft a strong defense strategy tailored to your needs. When you have us working hard on your case, you can face your charge with confidence and clarity.

Hendersonville Underage DWI Lawyer

What Is an Underage DWI?

If you are under the age of 21 in the United States, you are not allowed to purchase or consume alcoholic beverages. Simply being found engaging in underage drinking can result in misdemeanor charges. If you are found to have consumed alcohol and gotten behind the wheel of your vehicle, you can face even harsher charges. Your blood alcohol content (BAC) as a person under the age of 21 must be 0.00 if you are driving. If it is any higher, you can be charged with an underage DWI.

What Is the Punishment for an Underage DWI?

If you are charged with an underage DWI in Hendersonville, North Carolina, your driver’s license will automatically be revoked for one year. Other elements of your sentence will depend on several factors of your case. North Carolina ranks DWI cases on Levels between 1 and 6, with Aggravated Level 1 being the most intense. Typically, you will face a Level 2, with penalties such as:  

  • Fines of up to $1,000
  • Up to 60 days in jail
  • Up to 30 days of community punishment
  • Participation in substance abuse treatment

If there were aggravating factors in your case, in addition to underage alcohol consumption, such as an injury to another person, death of another person, and more, you can expect your charges to be a lot more intense.

How Can a Criminal Defense Attorney Help?

When you contact a criminal defense attorney, they can review the facts of your case to see what your legal options are for dropping or reducing the charges. For example, they might look at the sobriety test you took and determine if there were any inaccuracies in the results. They can also see if your rights were violated during the testing. All of these things can help your case.

In addition to crafting a strategic legal defense and negotiating on your behalf, your lawyer can provide invaluable support and individualized legal guidance during this time. If you are worried about how your case might impact your future or your family, your lawyer can explain everything and help you understand what you are looking at. This advice can help reduce your stress levels in this intense time.

FAQs About Hendersonville, NC Underage DWI Laws

Can You Get a DWI Dropped in NC?

Depending on the facts of your specific situation, you might be able to get a DWI dropped in North Carolina. You will need to get in touch with a DWI defense attorney to explore your options and negotiate to get your charges dropped if this is possible. Your criminal defense lawyer might be able to get your charges dropped if:

  • Your rights were violated if there were mistakes in your case.
  • You were taking prescription medication that impacted your breathalyzer test.

Is a Level 5 DWI a Misdemeanor in NC?

Yes, if you are charged with a Level 5 DWI in North Carolina, it will be prosecuted as a misdemeanor charge. While misdemeanors are less serious than felony charges, this does not mean that you should take your situation lightly. Especially if you are under the age of 21, you should get in touch with a lawyer about how to defend yourself against charges that can haunt you for a long while.

What Is the Most Common Sentence for a First DUI?

If you are looking at your first-ever DUI charge with no aggravating factors, your sentence will typically be minor, or it would at least be lighter than if it was not your first charge. The precise consequences that you are going to face will depend on whether there were aggravating factors in your case. If there were no aggravating circumstances, you can typically expect minimal jail time or community service and monetary fines.

How Do You Beat a DWI Charge in NC?

Beating a DWI charge can be tough, but it is not impossible if you have the right lawyer on your side. When you hire an experienced criminal defense attorney, you can rest assured that a capable legal professional is doing everything in their power to stand up for you. While it might not be possible for them to eliminate your charges, you can be sure that they can work hard to fight for a light sentence.

A Fierce Hendersonville Underage DWI Lawyer

If you or someone you love is under the legal drinking age, a DWI offense is serious business. If it is not the first DWI charge you have had, you cannot understate the severity of this situation. Without strong legal support, this charge can threaten all kinds of opportunities ahead of you, including your educational and professional prospects.

You do not have to face this situation all by yourself. When you reach out to us here at Edwards Law, PLLC, we can be immediately ready to help. We can respectfully and carefully listen to the facts of your case during an initial consultation. No matter what you are up against, our team can provide strategic legal advice on how to proceed. Contact our office today to learn more about your options.

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