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Hendersonville, NC Crime Rate 2024 – Latest Statistics

Doug Edwards

Whether you find yourself wanting to move to Hendersonville, or you simply want to educate yourself on the ins and outs of certain places in the state, gathering as much information as possible is the place to start. The town boasts beautiful landscapes, exciting outdoor activities, and a multitude of dining experiences. However, understanding the potentially negative sides is also important and it begins with exploring the Hendersonville, NC, crime rate.

Understanding the crime rate of a specific area can be vital knowledge, especially for those folks moving to the area in question or people hoping to settle down and raise a family. It is also important for every resident in a certain area, like Hendersonville, North Carolina, to know and understand the potential risks they might face when it comes to the violent crime or property crime rates in their hometown.

The Current State of Crime in Hendersonville, North Carolina

In the last five years, Hendersonville has seen a decrease in both violent crimes and property crimes. However, in 2022, this same study showed that the city’s overall crime rate was 85.3%, higher than that of other cities in the United States.

To further expand on the study, there were zero murders per 100,000 residents, eight rapes, three robberies, 26 assaults, 125 burglaries, 431 causes of theft, 38 instances of auto theft, and five cases of arson in 2022. Overall, the 2022 violent crime rate in Hendersonville was 148.8, compared to the US average of 219.8, and the 2022 property crime rate in Hendersonville was 345.5, compared to the US average of 166.5.

Confronting the Crime Statistics of Hendersonville, North Carolina

When violent crime and property crimes occur in a certain area, the residents of that area look to local law enforcement to combat said crime and maintain a sense of safety in the city. In 2022, the City Police Department of Hendersonville released a strategic, multi-year plan to not only fight crime but also strengthen the public trust in the department’s ability to combat this crime. This plan outlines four focus areas to continue to build a safer community, including:

  • Strengthening the public’s trust in the department and the legitimacy of the department by designing a model of communication with the city and public officials and leaders during a crisis, conducting an annual public survey, and implementing an early warning system.
  • Furthering staff training and education within the department by modifying the department’s structure to meet the workload requirements, reviewing and revising any field training, and developing learning goals for every level of leadership.
  • Building a safer community by increasing the number of crisis intervention training officers, maintaining necessary staffing for rapid deployment, and equipping all sworn personnel with necessary active shooter protection.
  • Improving the wellness and safety of the police department staff by researching and utilizing necessary tools for maintaining and treating mental health, promoting the usage of on-duty physical fitness training, and promoting safety and health at every level of the organization.

Securing Safety in Hendersonville, North Carolina

If you and your loved ones are entertaining the idea of a move to Hendersonville, North Carolina, or any other town in the state, or you and your family are current residents, and you are worried about any potential crime, there are steps you can take to remain proactive about your safety and that of others around you. These steps include:

  • Creating close relationships with neighbors: Crime can often be deterred when there is a strong sense of community in a place. You can do this by introducing yourself to neighbors, exchanging information with them, and looking out for the well-being of the people around you.
  • Becoming familiar with your neighborhood: You can achieve a sense of the safest areas in your neighborhood by exploring it, especially in daylight hours. It’s wise to identify well-lit streets, landmarks, and well-patrolled areas.
  • Taking measures to maintain home security: Investing in a home security system is never a bad idea. This system might include a camera system, strong locks on windows and doors, and outdoor lights.
  • Trusting yourself: No matter what, use caution in situations that feel unsafe. Trust your gut in situations and move to areas that are lit or otherwise inhabited. Call for emergency services if you feel the need to do so.

All of these steps can bolster your sense of safety while you are living or visiting Hendersonville, North Carolina.


Q: Is Hendersonville, NC, a Good Place to Live?

A: According to a police report put out by the police department of Hendersonville, North Carolina, the crime rate has been on a steady decline over the last few years. This, paired with beautiful views, plenty of outdoor and indoor activities, good schools, and a booming economy, makes Hendersonville a good place to live and move to if you have been considering the idea.

Q: What Is the City in North Carolina with the Highest Crime Rate?

A: In the state of North Carolina, the city with the highest crime rate is Lumberton. This city has a crime rate of 13,334 crimes per every 1,000 residents, a disproportionately high number. The city boasts a percentage of 435% for being more dangerous than any other city in the state.

Q: What City in NC Has the Lowest Crime Rate?

A: In the state of North Carolina, the city with the lowest crime rate is Rolesville. It has a crime rate of 451 crimes per every 100,000 residents, making its rate 83% lower than any other town in North Carolina. Your chances of becoming a victim of violent or property crime in Rolesville is 1 in 182.

Q: Is Hendersonville, NC, Walkable?

A: Yes, parts of Hendersonville, North Carolina, are very walkable. They are filled with well-lit streets, parks, and adequate sidewalks. When choosing to walk in an area, it is recommended to explore safely, either with other people or with a vehicle first. Seeing how others interact with the area indicates how safe it is to walk around.

Seek Legal Representation in Hendersonville, North Carolina Today

You can help yourself and others feel safe by understanding the crime rates of where you live in North Carolina and taking certain measures to be proactive about your safety. If you or a loved one has suffered from crime in Hendersonville, or if you have been wrongly charged with a criminal charge in Hendersonville, it’s time to reach out to Edwards Law, PLLC.

Contact our offices today to learn how we might be of assistance to you. Whatever you’re facing, you don’t have to face it alone.