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Columbus, NC Drug Crime Lawyer

Columbus, NC Drug Crime Attorney

Facing drug charges can be anxiety-inducing and stressful, as the potential penalties can be life-altering. Concerns for your future are numerous, and this overwhelming situation usually comes with its own set of complicated legal proceedings that can stir up even more confusion. When dealing with the complex legal system associated with North Carolina drug law, having a Columbus, NC, drug crime lawyer as your ally is essential.

Drug charges can cause fear and uncertainty. You need compassionate and confident legal representation who has the necessary knowledge of all applicable state laws. Whether you’re dealing with a simple possession charge or something more serious like federal drug trafficking, you need someone who can guide you through this legal process. With a confident attorney in your corner, you do not have to go through this trying time alone.

Columbus, NC Drug Crime Lawyer

North Carolina Drug Law Explained

North Carolina employs strict drug laws that were created to combat and mitigate the possession of certain controlled substances, along with the manufacturing and distribution of these substances. There are three common kinds of drug offenses seen in Columbus, North Carolina. If you find yourself facing charges for any of these offenses, it’s prudent to quickly hire an experienced drug defense attorney who can help you navigate the associated laws.

  • Drug Possession: This charge applies to situations in which an individual is found with an alleged substance or drug on their physical person or contained within their personal property.
  • Drug Trafficking or Distribution: An accusation of distribution or trafficking of an illegal substance is a much more serious charge that applies to situations when someone is found transporting, selling, or otherwise delivering the illegal substance. The difference between drug possession and drug trafficking is generally the amount of drugs in a person’s possession.
  • Manufacturing of Drugs: When these charges are given, it means that a person was accused of playing a role in the creation, production, conversion, or preparation of an illegal substance by any kind of process, such as the chemical process involved in making methamphetamines or crack cocaine. These charges can also apply if an alleged offender simply had the intent to manufacture.

In North Carolina, drugs are categorized by how much potential they carry for abuse and addiction. The first category, also known as Schedule I, includes drugs that have no medical value and carry the most danger when used by the general public. These can include substances like heroin, LSD, MDA, and other hallucinogens. The last category, or Schedule VI, includes substances like marijuana, hashish, and other drugs containing THC.

Due to the complicated nature of these offenses and the applicable laws, it is vital that you do not face these charges alone. Fortunately, experienced and skilled drug defense lawyers are waiting in the wings to assist you in whatever you need if you have been charged with a drug-related crime. Talking to a Columbus, NC criminal defense lawyer before speaking to law enforcement is crucial to protecting your rights.

Why Edwards Law, PLLC Is the Right Choice

Some people have the incorrect assumption that if only a small amount of a substance is found on your person or on your property, your possession charge can be easily handled. Unfortunately, this is a dangerously false belief. The reality is that the state of North Carolina takes these charges seriously, and depending on the exact nature of your case and the substance(s) involved, you could be facing hefty penalties like those associated with a felony drug conviction.

The team at Edwards Law, PLLC, has the necessary knowledge to effectively represent our clients who are facing these charges. We understand that this is a challenging time for everyone involved, so we offer each of our clients compassion, attention to detail, and clear communication while representing them.

For over a decade, our firm has represented clients facing a litany of criminal charges. Our experience grants us the confidence necessary to be an asset to your case, whatever the circumstances may be.

Drug Schedules in North Carolina

For criminal charge purposes, substances that you can be charged for possessing or trafficking are broken into six schedules based on their addictive nature and medical uses. According to North Carolina law, illegal substances are scheduled as follows:

  • Schedule I: This category includes the most dangerous drugs that do not have acceptable medical use, like fentanyl derivates, heroin, GHB, PCP, LSD, peyote, or MDMA.
  • Schedule II: Substances included in this category have some restricted medical use but also have a high potential for abuse. They include morphine, fentanyl, oxycodone, amphetamine, and codeine.
  • Schedule III: This category has accepted medical use and some potential abuse, but less than Schedule II. It includes substances such as ketamine, some barbiturates, and anabolic steroids.
  • Schedule IV: Drugs included in this category have accepted medical uses and a low potential for abuse. Included are substances like diazepam (Valium), butorphanol, flunitrazepam (Rohypnol), and alprazolam (Xanax).
  • Schedule V: These substances have acceptable medical uses and the lowest potential for abuse. They include over-the-counter medications that contain limited amounts of codeine, opium, and similar drugs.
  • Schedule VI: This schedule has no medical use and is specifically for marijuana and substances containing THC.

When building a solid defense for a drug crimes in Columbus, North Carolina, your attorney will go over the charge itself, noting what schedule of substances were involved and the volume. This information will be used to communicate any potential penalties of a conviction to you. The specific drug and the amount will determine which type of charge you are facing, ranging from a Class 3 Misdemeanor to a Class C Felony. The type of charge will determine the jail or prison time you are facing, as well as other penalties like fines.


Q: How to Beat a Drug Charge in NC?

A: The first step you will want to take when trying to beat a drug charge in North Carolina is to seek the advice and representation of an experienced drug crime defense lawyer. The team at Edwards Law, PLLC, can review the prosecution’s case and litigate a strong defense for your situation.

Q: Is Drug Possession a Felony in NC?

A: According to North Carolina state law, if you are found to be in possession of any illegal substances categorized as Schedule I, Schedule II, Schedule III, or Schedule IV, you could find yourself facing a felony drug conviction. Felony convictions tend to only apply to the substances outlined in Schedule V and Schedule VI when someone is found to be trafficking the substances.

Q: What Is the Sentence for Schedule III Drug Trafficking in NC?

A: In the state of North Carolina, the sentence for the trafficking of Schedule III drugs depends on the type of drug and the amount. The specific drug and the amount will determine the type of misdemeanor or felony that you are charged with; however, trafficking a Schedule III drug will most likely result in a felony conviction that could result in you spending years in prison.

Q: How Can a Lawyer Help with My Drug Crime Case?

A: If you find yourself facing drug crime charges in Columbus, North Carolina, an experienced drug crime lawyer can help in several ways. They can help you understand the exact nature of the charges you are dealing with and will do whatever they can to ensure that your rights and future are protected under state law.

Contact a Trusted Drug Crime Lawyer in Columbus, NC Today

If you or your loved one is facing drug crime charges in Columbus, North Carolina, it’s time to speak with an experienced attorney who can help determine the right course of action for your case. Contact Edwards Law, PLLC, today to schedule a free consultation and see how we can help you. You don’t have to fight these charges alone.

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